
The Kitzbühel Alps
The gentle grassy mountains opposite the Wilder Kaiser region
What is the connection between the Wilder Kaiser region and the Kitzbühel Alps? The answer is simple: the area is nestled between the impressive Wilder Kaiser massif in the north, for which it was named, and the gentle grassy mountains of the Kitzbühel Alps in the south. But the Kitzbühel Alps extend much further: they make up a large part of Tirol’s surface area and form a magnificent mountain landscape. The east-west extension is about 80 km, whereas the width is about 25-35 km. The Wilder Kaiser region is located in the northern part of the Kitzbühel Alps, between Kufstein and St. Johann.
Wussten Sie, dass die SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental eines der besten Ski- und Wandergebiete Österreichs ist?
Die Bergbahnen haben unter anderem das Tiroler Pisten- und Naturrodelbahn Gutesiegel erhalten. Zudem zählen sie zu den besten Österreichischen Sommerbergbahnen.
MehrWhile the Wilder Kaiser region is synonymous with natural, rugged rock formations and Alpine adventure, the more gentle mountain slopes of the Kitzbühel Alps on the other side of the valley are ideal for skiing. The area is home to the "„SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser – Brixental“." Here, skiers enjoy perfect slope conditions in winter while Alpine cattle graze the lush meadows in summer. Animals aren’t the only ones who eat well here. At the numerous managed hutshikers, enjoy delicious food as a reward for their efforts. But that’s not all: The region is also the first Alpine area to bear both the Austrian and European hiking seal of approval. It’s also part of the world's largest e-bike region, the ""Kitzbühel Alps-Kaisergebirge mountain range"."
In contrast to the Wilder Kaiser mountain, which is part of the Northern Limestone Alps and consists primarily of Wetterstein limestone and dolomite, the slopes of the Kitzbühel Alps just across the way are largely composed of slate and phyllite and belong to the greywacke zone. The mountain shapes and cirques are predominantly gentle and the mostly green slopes are covered with numerous Alpine meadows. The Astberg, Hartkaiser, Brandstadl and Hohe Salve mountains are accessible to hikers and cyclists under the their own steam, but can also be reached with the aid of highly modern cable cars, which are also operate in summer. Meanwhile, fun and adventure awaits the entire family at mountain adventure worlds.
Family holidays in summer - Wilder Kaiser
Ellmi's Magic World - Family holidays in the Wilder Kaiser region
Hexenwasser Söll - Family holidays in the Wilder Kaiser region
KaiserWelt Scheffau - Family holidays in the Wilder Kaiser region
Ponyalm mountain pasture at the Astberg mountain - Family holidays in the Wilder Kaiser region