Spring Concert of brass band ScheffauSpring Concert of brass band ScheffauSpring Concert of brass band ScheffauFriSatScheffau am Wilden Kaiser20:00Booking & Details
MARCHplus Summit Get-together Live Radio Tour with Wijbrand van der SandeMARCHplus Summit Get-together Live Radio Tour with Wijbrand van der SandeMARCHplus Summit Get-together Live Radio Tour with Wijbrand van der SandeSatEllmau12:00Booking & Details
May concert of the local brass bandMay concert of the local brass bandMay concert of the local brass bandThuGoing07:00Booking & Details
Summer festival in the folk museumSummer festival in the folk museumSummer festival in the folk museumSunEllmau11:00Booking & Details
Parish festival and concert by the Scheffau brass band Parish festival and concert by the Scheffau brass band Parish festival and concert by the Scheffau brass band TueScheffau am Wilden Kaiser19:00Booking & Details
Day of brass music Day of brass music Day of brass music FriScheffau am Wilden Kaiser10:00Booking & Details
Traditional 'Almabtrieb'Traditional 'Almabtrieb'Traditional 'Almabtrieb'SatSöll10:30Booking & Details
Tyrolean costume festivalTyrolean costume festivalTyrolean costume festivalSunSöll07:30Booking & Details
Traditional 'Almabtrieb'Traditional 'Almabtrieb'Traditional 'Almabtrieb'SatSöll11:00Booking & Details
AUTUMNplus Autumn concert by the local brass band EllmauAUTUMNplus Autumn concert by the local brass band EllmauAUTUMNplus Autumn concert by the local brass band EllmauWedEllmau19:30Booking & Details