Liftpass prices

Mountain Experience Card & Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card


Liftpass prices

Mountain Experience Card & Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card

Get comfortably closer to heaven - the numerous summer mountain railways in the Wilder Kaiser region make it possible! Find out about the different ticket options and plan your excursion to lofty heights. Particularly recommended are the seven Mountain Adventure Worlds and the fantastic panoramic trails with views of the Wilder Kaiser.

Ticket options:

  • Tickets for individual ascents and descents with the summer lifts of the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental
  • Mountain Experience Card: includes 15 lifts, 7 Mountain Adventure Worlds and is purchasable for 1-14 days
  • Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card: includes 38 lifts, several Mountain Adventure Worlds and is purchasable for 2-14 days

Summer tickets

SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental

In the mountains summer is at least exciting as winter. The lifts open from May to the beginning of November ensure unique experiences for everyone: adventurous hikers and those seeking peace and quiet, families and individualists can reach the mountain comfortably with our cable cars.

The Mountain Experience Card includes the use of 15 lifts and cable cars, which also take you to the 7 Mountain Adventure Worlds.

Mountain Experience Card

Mountain ExperienceCard 2025

with Guest Card
with Guest Card
with Guest Card
1 day€ 39,00€ 37,00€ 29,50€ 28,00€ 19,50€ 18,50
2 days€ 69,00€ 65,50€ 52,00€ 49,50€ 34,50€ 33,00
3 days€ 84,50€ 80,50€ 63,50€ 60,50€ 42,50€ 40,50
4 days€ 96,00€ 91,00€ 72,00€ 68,50€ 48,00€ 45,50
5 days€ 105,50€ 100,00€ 79,00€ 75,00€ 53,00€ 50,50
6 days€ 115,00€ 109,50€ 86,50€ 82,00€ 57,50€ 54,50
7 days€ 122,00€ 116,00€ 91,50€ 87,00€ 61,00€ 58,00
8 days€ 131,50€ 125,00€ 98,50€ 93,50€ 66,00€ 62,50
9 days€ 136,00€ 129,00€ 102,00€ 97,00€ 68,00€ 64,50
10 days€ 145,00€ 138,00€ 109,00€ 103,50€ 72,50€ 69,00
11 days€ 149,50€ 142,00€ 112,00€ 106,50€ 75,00€ 71,50
12 days€ 158,50€ 150,50€ 119,00€ 113,00€ 79,50€ 75,50
13 days€ 166,00€ 157,50€ 124,50€ 118,50€ 83,00€ 79,00
14 days€ 172,00€ 163,50€ 129,00€ 122,50€ 86,00€ 81,50
21 days€ 228,50€ 217,00€ 171,50€ 163,00€ 114,50€ 109,00

Children‘s tariffs for those born between 2010 and 2020, Children born in and after 2021 free!
Youth tariffs for those born in 2007 - 2009

Mountain Experience Card for bus groups

Mountain railway AdventureCard Summer 2025 - from 20 persons

1 day€ 37,00€ 28,00€ 18,50
2 days€ 65,50€ 49,50€ 33,00
3 days€ 80,50€ 60,50€ 40,50
4 days€ 91,00€ 68,50€ 45,50
5 days€ 100,00€ 75,00€ 50,50
6 days€ 109,50€ 82,00€ 54,50
7 days€ 116,00€ 87,00€ 58,00
8 days€ 125,00€ 93,50€ 62,50
9 days€ 129,00€ 97,00€ 64,50
10 days€ 138,00€ 103,50€ 69,00
11 days€ 142,00€ 106,50€ 71,50
12 days€ 150,50€ 113,00€ 75,50
13 days€ 157,50€ 118,50€ 79,00
14 days€ 163,50€ 122,50€ 81,50

Children‘s tariffs for those born between 2010-2020, Children born in and after 2021 free!
Youth tariffs for those born in 2007-2009

Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card

Your ticket for more than 38 summer cable cars in Tyrol

Thes Summer Card is your key to a fantastic summer holiday in the Kitzbühel Aps. This ticket includes access to all 38 lifts open in summer. Moreover you receive at least 25% discount at selected bonus partners such as museums, swimming pools and excursion destinations.

Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card

Kitzbühel Alps Summer Card 2025

2 Days€ 76,00€ 72,00€ 57,00€ 54,00€ 38,00€ 36,00
3 Days€ 93,00€ 88,50€ 70,00€ 66,50€ 46,50€ 44,00
4 Days€ 105,50€ 100,00€ 79,00€ 75,00€ 53,00€ 50,50
5 Days€ 116,00€ 110,00€ 87,00€ 82,50€ 58,00€ 55,00
6 Days€ 126,50€ 120,00€ 95,00€ 90,50€ 63,50€ 60,50
7 Days€ 134,00€ 127,50€ 100,50€ 95,50€ 67,00€ 63,50
8 Days€ 144,50€ 137,50€ 108,50€ 103,00€ 72,50€ 69,00
9 Days€ 149,50€ 142,00€ 112,00€ 106,50€ 75,00€ 71,50
10 Days€ 159,00€ 151,00€ 119,50€ 113,50€ 79,50€ 75,50
11 Days€ 164,00€ 156,00€ 123,00€ 117,00€ 82,00€ 78,00
12 Days€ 174,00€ 165,50€ 130,50€ 124,00€ 87,00€ 82,50
13 Days€ 182,00€ 173,00€ 136,50€ 129,50€ 91,00€ 86,50
14 Days€ 189,00€ 179,50€ 142,00€ 135,00€ 94,50€ 90,00

Children‘s tariffs for those born between 2010 and 2020, Children born in and after 2021 free!
Youth tariffs for those born in 2007 - 2009

Lift tickets can be purchased directly at the cable car ticket offices and at the Scheffau information office.

Please note: Lift tickets are not sold at the info offices in Söll, Ellmau and Going.

SkiWelt Shop
SkiWelt Shop

Cable car ticket as Print@Home Voucher

Make your loved ones happy by gifting them a voucher for a cable car ride in the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental. Either summer or winter: you can purchase the voucher and small souvenirs quick, easy and secure in the online shop.

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