Horse drawn carriage ride to the film town square

Horse drawn carriage ride to the film town square
10:00 AM
Ellmau - Bauernhof Achlhof
Horse-drawn sleigh ride
Enjoy the Wilder Kaiser region introspectively
Simply enjoy the dreamlike landscape of the Wilder Kaiser and unwind. Excursions by horse-drawn carriage are ideal for this. During a ride through the Wilder Kaiser region, you can explore the villages of Ellmau, Going, Scheffau and Söll at a slow pace - summer and winter.
Special highlights are the film carriage rides which take you to the filming locations of the well-known TV series "Der Bergdoktor". All carriage rides can be booked online. The providers in Ellmau, Going, Scheffau and Söll are also happy to offer individual rides upon request.