Quality-tested hiking region Wilder Kaiser

European and Austrian hiking seal of quality as well as Tyrolean mountain trails seal of quality


Quality-tested hiking region
Wilder Kaiser

Quality is very important in the Wilder Kaiser region. This is especially true for hiking because we always strive to provide you with a unique and safe mountain experience. Our quality awareness in the areas of service, orientation, infrastructure, coverage, experience and security are reflected in the awards we have received.

Our seals of quality

  • European hiking seal of quality
  • Austrian hiking seal of quality
  • Tyrolean mountain trails seal of quality

European hiking seal of quality

Having been awarded the European hiking seal of quality, the Wilder Kaiser region is one of the top European hiking regions. In addition to a perfect orientation system, the hiking experiences are also very well maintained. The Wilder Kaiser Region is constantly working on improving the quality of the infrastructure, experiences, path conditions and accommodation.

Austrian hiking seal of quality

In 2011, the Wilder Kaiser was the first alpine region in Austria to be awarded the Austrian hiking seal of quality. The Association for ‘Quality Assurance for Hiking in Austria’ comprehensively assessed the four Kaiser locations; Ellmau, Going, Scheffau and Söll along with their accommodation and hiking trails.

The focus of the certification lies in areas of; service, orientation, experience as well as landscape and the qualities that lead to the Wilder Kaiser ranking above the rest were the variety, experience, impressions & overall quality of the region.

In the years that followed, the multi-day hike “Kaiserkrone” and the “Gaudeamushütte” were also awarded the Austrian hiking seal of quality.

Tyrolean mountain trails seal of quality

After 2018, the region was also awarded the Tyrolean Mountain Trail Quality Seal in 2023 and the Tauernblick Panorama Trail was once again awarded the title "Tyrolean Mountain Trail with Distinction". This is awarded if the hiking and mountain trail network is divided, marked, signposted, appropriately maintained and shown on overview boards according to specified guidelines (according to the Tyrolean hiking and mountain path concept).

Quality-tested hiking trails

Quality-tested hiking accommodation
Quality-tested hiking accommodation

in Ellmau, Going, Scheffau und Söll

The Wilder Kaiser hiking specialists are your one-stop-shop for hiking; from excellent relaxation, delicious refreshments, personal guided hikes and insider tips - your hosts are passionate hiking professionals who combine their knowledge and passion for your personal mountain experience on the Wilder Kaiser.

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