Going Village Tour - We say 'Grüß Gott'


On this communal circular walk around the village, our repreentative in the region will tell you all the important information about your holiday village and a few small hidden places besides. Boosted with your new-found knowledge of Going and a range of helpful tips, you will be able to dive in to an eventful and exciting holiday.

Registration: no registration necessary
Participants: minimum 1 person, maximum 30 persons
Price: for free exclusively for guests with Wilder Kaiser GuestCard;
€ 5,00 for guests without Wilder Kaiser GuestCard
You need: good shoes, drink
Walking-time: about 2,5 hours, leffel of difficulty: easy, 3,8km
Duration: from 9:45am until approximately 12pm
Meeting point: Tourist Info Going, Dorfstraße 36, 6353 Going

Travel to the event: We ask you to arrive in an environmentally friendly way! By public transport or the Kaiserjet (free of charge with the Wilder Kaiser GuestCard), on foot or by bike.

You will receive your Wilder Kaiser GuestCard for free upon arrival at your accomodation in the towns of Going, Ellmau, Scheffau, Söll, and will need to show that at any registration. Programme changes are possible.

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Meer data

  • 22.07.2024
  • 29.07.2024
  • 05.08.2024
  • 12.08.2024
  • 19.08.2024
  • 26.08.2024
  • 02.09.2024
  • 09.09.2024

More Dates

Verantwoord evenement

Eten & drinken

  • Gebruik van zelfgemaakte, zelfgeproduceerde levensmiddelen, dranken

Mensen & cultuur

  • Ausschließlicher Einsatz regionaler Firmen, Handwerker und Zulieferer


  • Bereikbaar met het openbaar vervoer
  • Fietsenstalling
  • Oplaadpunten voor elektrische auto/fiets

Meer lezen


VVV GoingDorfstraße 366353 Going am Wilden Kaiser(0043) 50509 510going@wilderkaiser.infowww.wilderkaiser.info

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