Anniversary Lake festival in Going at the Wilder Kaiser


The Going Water Rescue Service invites you to the anniversary lake festival in Going am Wilden Kaiser!

This year a round anniversary will be celebrated... ... and that's why the water rescue going invites you to a 2-day festival!

The water rescue team will spoil you with culinary delights and barbecue specialities, and after the tapping of the barrel by the mayor and Neptune, nothing stands in the way of a great party. A live band will provide the musical accompaniment.

On Saturday, 20 July 2024, the 'Toten Lederhosen' will entertain us and on Sunday, 21 July 2024, the municipality of Going and Going Water Rescue will hold a field mass at the lake site followed by the inauguration of the new buildings and our new car.

Travelling to the event: We ask for an environmentally friendly journey! By public transport or the Kaiserjet, on foot or by bike. Sufficient bicycle parking spaces are available. True to the motto: Strengthen your calves, come by bike!

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Meer data

  • 20.07.2024
  • 21.07.2024

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Verantwoord evenement

Eten & drinken

  • Dranken van regionale producenten
  • Gebruik van seizoensproducten en van lokale leveranciers
  • Geen gebruik van convenience food (bv. kant-en-klaar gerechten)

Mensen & cultuur

  • Ausschließlicher Einsatz regionaler Firmen, Handwerker und Zulieferer


  • Bereikbaar met het openbaar vervoer
  • Fietsenstalling

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Swimming lake Going6353 Going am Wilden

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