Achleiten crag

Achleiten crag


The Achleiten crag is one of the most popular attractions both on sunny winter days and at all other times of the year. On really hot summer days it’s in the evening that sport climbers will find suitable conditions. The “Fiaggnwand” offers ambitious climbers 5 different sectors with more than 190 sport climbing routes in difficulty levels from 3 to 9a+. The classic routes often have wider hook spacing.

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  • Access from car park at the former Gasthof Achleiten inn: Access time approx. 30 minFrom the bend below the inn keep following the forest road (trail no. 57a) across the barrier following the directions to Hintersteiner See lake, at first downhill, then uphill again. You come to a narrow path to the rock face which branches off by the overview board on the right. The end of the climb becomes quite steep up to the rock face which is now visible and you get to on the left of the main sector. Access to the other sectors is via the rock face to the left (Westend) and right (Bauernwandl and Panoramawandl).Access from the hiking bus stop Pension Maier: Access time approx. 40 min.From the Pension Maier follow the road southwards in the direction of "Achleiten via Tischleralm". At the next junction turn onto forest road no. 57 and follow this past the Tischleralm to a large overview board - here a narrow path branches off to the left to the wall. The end of the climb becomes quite steep up to the rock face which is now visible and you get to on the left of the main sector. Access to the other sectors is via the rock face to the left (Westend) and right (Bauernwandl and Panoramawandl).

  • 0,6666666666666666

  • 0,5

  • Number of difficulty 3 routes: 1 Number of difficulty 4 routes: 7 Number of difficulty 5 routes: 12 Number of difficulty 6 routes: 52 Number of difficulty 7 routes: 59 Number of difficulty 8 routes: 40 Number of difficulty 9 routes: 3

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RoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Virgin Crack84a bis 7c
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Westend66b+ bis 7c
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Clematis - Links116a bis 7c
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Clematis - Rechts55b bis 6b+
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Genusswandl - Links95b bis 7a+
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Genusswandl - Mitte34c bis 5a
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Genusswandl - Rechts33+ bis 6c
Klettergarten Achleiten / Hauptsektor - Links Unten64a bis 6a
Klettergarten Achleiten / Hauptsektor - Links Oben475a bis 8a+
Klettergarten Achleiten / Hauptsektor Rechts286b+ bis 9a
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Bauernwandl - Unten146a bis 8c
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Bauernwandl - Oben193 bis 9a
Klettergarten Achleiten / Sektor Panoramawandl346b+ bis 8c+


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
1Neuland20 m5c
2Spider12 m6a
3Chicken Run18 m4a
4Virgin Crack20 m7c
5Die Schuppe22 m7b
6Gnom15 m7a+
7Projekt m
8Pendlerpauschale15 m7a+


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
9Westendverschneidung22 m6c+
10Westend25 m6b+
11Westendvariante25 m6b+
12Highend40 m7c
13Stars and Stripes20 m7b
14Projekt m


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
15Technology30 m7c
16Westkante30 m7b+
17Flic-Flac30 m7b+
18Flic15 m6b+
19Flac18 m6a
20The Nose15 m6b
21Clematis - direkter Einstieg28 m7a
22Clematis - original Einstieg28 m7a
23No Way for Rhinos28 m7c
24Die Platte20 m7a
25Trainerdachl10 m7a+


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
26Originaleinstieg Pfeilerweg & Specki25 m
27Pfeilerweg25 m6b+
28Specki25 m6b+
29Joyride25 m6a+
30Holadio25 m5b


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
1Hexenkante12 m5b
2Weberknecht12 m5b
3Hexenriss15 m5c
4Nirvana15 m6c+
5Oktan15 m7a+
6Waldgeist15 m6a
7Genusswandl20 m6a+
8Schweinsduliö20 m6c
9Hotzenplotz23 m6a+


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
10Waldfee22 m5a
11Wurzelsepp22 m4c
12Mattis Kanal22 m5a


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
114Nice15 m3+
15Acquafresh15 m4c
13Holzhacker15 m6c


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
1Waldmaus20 m4c
2Giftzwergerl18 m5c
37 Zwerge18 m4a
4Tannenweg18 m4a
5Weg zur Eibe18 m4c
6Nasentest18 m6a


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
7Bumerang20 m6a
8Eulenweg20 m5c
9Direkter Eulenweg20 m6a
10Südlicht30 m6a+
11Pozor30 m6c+/7a
12Via Martello32 m6b+
13Tomarc30 m6c+
14Another Day in Paradise30 m6c+
15Einstieg zu Routen 15,17,18 m6b+
16Freddy Mercury Ged. Weg30 m7a
17Janis Joplin Ged. Weg30 m6c+
18Jim Morrison Ged. Weg30 m7a
19Jimi Hendrix Ged. Weg30 m7b
20Rock Runner30 m7a
21World of Stones28 m6c
22Diavolo35 m6c+
23Bloody Mary35 m6c
24Amadeus35 m6c
25Direkte - 2 SL35 m6a
22Direkte 2 - rechter Einstieg15 m6a+
27Verschneidung28 m6c
28Ötzi15 m6b+
29Hacker Pschorr18 m7b+
30Verbindung15 m5a
31Thaliastraße25 m6c
32Dornenriss25 m6a+
33Direkte Variante zum Sandler25 m6b+
34Sandler25 m5c
35Zentralweg12 m6a+
36Fledermausriss35 m5c
37Plattenverschneidung40 m6c
38Blutgrätsche12 m7a
38Projekt m
40Kamelbuckel15 m6b+
41Starlet20 m6c
42Fadango15 m7b+
43Falkenriss30 m7a+
44Speedy20 m6a+
45Like Ice in the Sunshine35 m7b+
46Deppentrail32 m7a+
47Via Anita32 m6b+
48Powerplay25 m7b
4900725 m7c+
50East End25 m7c
51Leninakan25 m8a+
52Tschernobyl15 m6a+
53Moritz15 m6c+


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
54Dr. Feelgood12 m6c+
55Dozy15 m6b+
56Superdozy30 m8b
57Outro30 m9a/9a+
58Vision20 m8a
59Big Mac15 m7a+
60Burger King15 m8a
61Leukotherma12 m8a
62Reine Männersache25 m8a+
63Totzenhacker25 m7c+
64Ehrentotzen25 m8b
65Reine Totzensache25 m7c
66Furz12 m7c
67R.G. Pfeiler14 m7a+
68R.G. Pfeiler plus30 m8b
69Vibrator12 m7a+
70Merci Kat15 m7c+
71Plattenspieler20 m8c
72Handyman15 m8a+
73Frauenpower15 m7a+
74Hakuna Matata15 m7b
75Ein Quantum Chalk10 m7b
76Skyfall15 m8a+
77Kreuzigung20 m8b+
78Lichtblick15 m8c+
79Shadowplay20 m8a+
80Natural Power15 m7c+
81Schau genau ums Eck10 m7a


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
1Schatzi12 m6a
2Gelbsucht12 m8a
3Kuahtuttnblues8 m7c+
4Schlecki10 m6c+
5Bauern5er10 m7c
6Prost Gambrinus10 m7c+
7Prost Hyronimus12 m8b+
8Hyronimus10 m8a+
9Owaammagaua Faggebaua10 m7c+
10Stierbuggl10 m8b
11Remigius10 m8b
12Bauernsau12 m8c
13Kaiwe Ziacha12 m7c
14Cunnilingus8 m7a


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
15Lizard Corner20 m8b
16Golden Pearl25 m8b+
17Book of Hate25 m8c
18Painline20 m8b
19Painline Verlängerung30 m8c+
20Delta - Projekt m
21Projekt m
22Projekt m
8cKantenphysik m30
24Tunnelblick35 m8c+
25Neuron35 m9a
26The Void35 m9a
27Projekt m
28Tyrolian Style15 m8a+
29Projekt m
30Johnny Bravo15 m8b
31Falling Pieces direkt15 m8c+
32Falling Pieces15 m8a+
33Boulder "Komm tanz mit mir" m8b


RoutennummerRoutennameAnzahl der RoutenSchwierigkeit
1Supernova20 m8b
2Rocketman20 m8b+
3Mantra20 m8c+
4Direkter Silver Surfer20 m8c
5Silver Surfer15 m8b
6Space Hopper15 m8a+
7Split-Line15 m8b
8Projekt m
9Projekt m
10Projekt m
11Projekt m
12Projekt m
13Rauchopfer12 m8a+
14Feuersalamander15 m8a
15Projekt m
16Let it be10 m7c
17Notausgang12 m7a+
18Fließband12 m7b+
19Deutsches Theater18 m7b
20Kriegsbeil15 m7b
21Fehdehandschuh20 m6c+
22Der kleine Vampir20 m6c+
23New Heartbeat20 m7b+
24Verbindung-Projekt m
25Wizard20 m7b+
26Apres-Ski15 m7a+
27Most Wanted Theater12 m6c+
28Pulleralarm10 m7c+
29Brunznbuschn10 m7b+
30Piss-Line10 m7a+
31Projekt m
32Gelber Regentanz10 m7a+
33Golden Shower10 m7b
34Pissnelke10 m6b+


  • Go to KaiserJet/Postbus stop “Scheffau Dorf”, then ride the Hintersteiner See lake bus to “Jausenstation Maier”.More information at:

  • Heading from Kufstein, Söll or Scheffau on the B173 road, take the turnoff leading east opposite the Gasthof Oberstegen inn and follow the sharp bends of the road until you reach the car park at the former Gasthof Achleiten inn.Public transport during the summer season:Go to KaiserJet/Postbus stop “Scheffau Dorf”, then ride the Hintersteiner See lake bus to “Jausenstation Maier”.More information at:

  • Car park at the former Gasthof Achleiten inn, Söll (966 m) – pay & display

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Best seasons

  • 01


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Along with the Murmeltierfelsen and Gamsfelsen, there are a total of 17 climbing routes of difficulty levels 3 to 6b+ near the Gaudeamushütte mountain hut.

Route number19

Access time1,0

Sport climbing




9 °C

  • Valley
  • 5 km/h
  • Mountain
  • 70 %



9 °C

  • Valley
  • 10 km/h
  • Mountain
  • 35 %

The day after tomorrow


13 °C

  • Valley
  • 5 km/h
  • Mountain
  • 60 %



7 °C

  • Valley
  • 5 km/h
  • Mountain
  • 85 %


If you have any questions,we are happy to help.

+43 50509