Demeter farm Knolln

Opening hours on demand

Stampfanger 20 (Öffnungszeit nach Vereinbarung), Söll


Our farm, which is over 600 years old, has always been a place where people and animals have lived and worked in harmony with nature. Immerse yourself and recharge your batteries with us. Surrounded by trees, vegetable gardens and animals, our farm is a very special place of power and a place to relax, experience and enjoy.

Located right next to the gondola lift and yet tucked away in the orchard, we look forward to welcoming you. We have been farming organically since the early 1990s and have been a certified Demeter farm since 2020. Demeter is the oldest association for organic farming and has a clear goal: it serves people and promotes physical, mental and spiritual development in equal measure.

For us, these principles were the logical development of our work. Rudolf Steiner's teachings help us to live and work in harmony with our fellow human beings, nature and the soil on a daily basis. We do this for ourselves, out of conviction and for our well-being, but above all for future generations. You will also feel this with us.

We look forward to seeing you!
The Eisenmann family

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