Susanne Hutter: 'Der Triumph aus meinem Schicksal' - Lesung


The Söll Public Library cordially invites you to an inspiring reading by Susanne Hutter. Under the title "Der Triumph aus meinem Schicksal - Von der Komapatientin zur (Über)Lebenskünstlerin", the author will share her moving story on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the parish center.

Susanne Hutter will give a first-hand account of her impressive journey, from the challenges she faced as a coma patient to her remarkable return to life. Her story is characterized by courage, strength and the ability to find light even in the darkest moments.

This reading offers a unique opportunity to gain deep insights into human resilience and to learn from the experiences of an extraordinary woman.

Join us to share an inspiring story and be transformed by the power of life.

Admission: voluntary donation

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  • 24.09.2024

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