Waldhof Alm

Opening hours on demand

Schwarzach 3, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser


Restaurant & Bar - cozy stop right on the slopes.
Open during winter, closed during summer.

Under the Wilder Kaiser, at the Hotel Waldorf Resort, lies the cosy Waldhof Alm, right on the piste. Its magnificent sun terraces invite you to enjoy pleasant moments. Afternoons and evenings you can look forward to sampling traditional Tyrolean fare and tasty delights in the restaurant.

Late afternoons, when the sun slowly lays itself down to rest, the Waldhof Alm also transforms – into an atmospheric bar. There is a rustic, cosy feel to the atmosphere and you can enjoy an amazing view of the mountains from the sun terrace.

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Waldhof AlmSchwarzach 36351 Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser(0043) 5358 8122office@waldhof.info

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