KinderKaiserland Scheffau

Opening hours on demand

Dorf 54, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser


The "Kinderkaiserland" is the most beautiful and professional children`s ski resort in Austria.

Children can start at an age of 2 year. They get trained by a supervisor.
Furthermore the Kinderkaiserland is really family-friendly. Special offers: taster course, hourly care in the ski group, child-care over the lunch hour in the specially arranged children`s restaurant at Brandstadl and also private hours.

Ski course for children between 4 -14 years - course program & more information on our website:

The team of the Kinderkaiserland is looking forward to your visit.

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KinderKaiserland ScheffauDorf 546351 Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser(0043) 5358

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