Ferienwohnung Rosemarie
Seebach 15, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser
From€110,-per nighttoday's price
Bookable onlineOpening hours on demand
Seebach 15, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser
The asphalt curling is open all year - reservation required.
The asphalt curling track never has ice on it.
Use of the asphalt track for max. 12 people
Entrance: € 2,50 per person
Rental of asphalt poles: € 2,50 per pole
Opening times: all year - by reservation only.
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Asphalt curling RosemarieSeebach 156351 Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser(0043) 5358 8227caferosemarie@aon.at
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