Playground - Wochenbrunner Alm

Opening hours on demand

Wochenbrunnweg 44, Ellmau


The Wochenbrunner Alm is located directly at the Wilder Kaiser at 1,085 m above sea level. With its beautifully designed playground right next to the house, the mountain hut is a particularly popular destination for families and children.

The area also includes a wildlife park, a Kneipp facility, the Almladl and a chapel.

The Wochenbrunner Alm offers varied entertainment and enjoyment of nature for the whole family. It is also easily accessible by car or hiking bus.

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Playground - Wochenbrunner AlmWochenbrunnweg 446352 Ellmau(0043) 5358

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You can reach us via these tours

Hike to Wochenbrunner Alm

Hike to Wochenbrunner Alm
Hike to Wochenbrunner Alm
Hike to Wochenbrunner Alm

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

4,4 km

Hike from the centre of Ellmau, along trail no. 14, through the "Spatlahner gorge" up to the Wochenbrunner Alm.



1:30 h

285 Elevation gain