© Jennifer Koller
JOB #4 | Wilder Kaiser "JobCheck" mit Jenny

Infomitarbeiter*in beim Tourismusverband Ellmau

von Jenny Koller Erstellt am 18. August 2020

für Urlaubsgestalter*innen

Den ganzen Tag lang nur Fragen zum Bergdoktor beantworten? Falsch gedacht! Wer im Infobüro Gäste beraten will, muss sich mit allerhand Dingen auskennen. Welche das sind, erzähle ich euch in den nächsten Zeilen.

Bei meinem vierten "JobCheck" durfte ich Peter, Jacqueline, Birgit, Claudia und Lydia zwei Tage von 8:30 bis 12:00 Uhr und von 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr im Frontoffice des Infobüros in Ellmau begleiten.

Zu den Hauptaufgaben zählten dabei die Gäste bei Fragen über Bergdoktor, Bergtouren und Ausflugzielen in der Region Wilder Kaiser, aber auch überregionalen Ausflügen zu beraten. Die Beratung der Gäste erfolgt entweder per Telefon, E-Mail oder direkt im Infobüro. Neben der Beratung müssen auch Prospekte nachgefüllt und die unterschiedlichsten Drucksorten überarbeitet werden. Die Aufgaben des Frontoffice beinhalten aber auch die Vorbereitung von Stammgästeehrungen sowie das Aushändigen von Wandernadeln. Ebenso werden einzelne Projekte direkt im Infobüro umgesetzt. Hierzu gehören zum Beispiel die Betreuung der Website mit Inhalten wie Fotos und Text über den Ort Ellmau, Events oder die Aktivprogrammgestaltung. Auch Infos für Vermieter und die Gastronomie vor Ort werden von den Infobüromitarbeiter*innen wöchentlich in einem Newsletter versandt.


Das braucht man als Frontoffice Mitarbeiter*in

Aktiv und sportlich sollte man sein, wenn man als Mitarbeiter*in im Frontoffice arbeitet. Denn, man muss seine Region mit ihren Wanderrouten und Berggipfel kennen - und da schdet es nun mal nicht, auf möglichst vielen schon selbst gewesen zu sein. Allgemeine Regionskenntnisse sind ebenso wichtig, um die Gäste auch bestmöglich beraten zu können. Die essenziellsten Arbeitsgeräte in diesem Beruf sind neben dem Computer auch Wanderkarten und Prospekte. Eine weitere wichtige Eigenschaft ist Geduld. Und bei manchen (An-)Fragen ist neben Geduld auch Humor gefragt! ;-)

"Wer Spaß an der Arbeit mit Menschen hat und kommunikativ ist, ist hier genau richtig"...
...sind sich Jacqueline, Birgit, Claudia und Lydia vom Frontoffice im Infobüro in Ellmau einig.

Man muss kommunikativ und sprachbegabt sein, um die Fragen der Gäste bestmöglich beantworten zu können. Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse sind hierbei eindeutig von Vorteil, denn die Gäste am Wilden Kaiser stammen aus den unserschiedlichsten Ländern.

Das Tolle an diesem Beruf ist für mich, dass man eigene kleine Projekt durchführen darf. Für die Projekte muss man Eigenverantwortung übernehmen und eigenständig und ordentlich Arbeiten. Aber auch Teamgeist ist gefragt um sich aufeinander verlassen zu können..

Die Arbeiszeiten unterschieden sich im Sommer und Winter. Im Sommer arbeitet man Montag bis Samstag von 8:30 bis 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 bis 17:30 Uhr. Im Winter von 8:30 bis 12:00 Uhr und von 14:30 bis 18:00 Uhr (Montag bis Freitag). Samstags von 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr und Sonntags von 8:30 bis 12:00 Uhr. An den Wochenenden wird sowohl wie im Sommer auch im Winter untereinander abgewechselt.


Was das Arbeiten am Wilden Kaiser besonders macht

Gemeinsam unternimmt das TVB-Infoteam gerne Wanderungen, Radtouren oder auch Skitage. Die Mitarbeiter*innen dürfen neben der Bürotätigkeit bei geführten Wanderungen, wie etwa der Fackelwanderung teilnehmen. Dabei ist man natürlich auch zur Gästebetreuung vor Ort, nebenbei kann man aber trotzdem selbst die Natur genießen und aktiv sein.

„Wir arbeiten und leben wo andere Urlaub machen, das schätzen wir sehr."
Jacqueline, Birgit, Claudia und Lydia aus dem Frontoffice im Infobüro in Ellmau

Auch ihr Lieblingsplatzerl am Wilden Kaiser verraten sie mir. Das neue Kaiserkino am Astberg. Das ist für sie einfach ein traumhafter Platz, um abends den Sonnenuntergang zu beobachten. Dorthin unternehmen sie auch gerne gemeinsam eine kleine Abendrunde.

© Jennifer Koller


Warum wir diesen Job lieben!

Im Infobüro ist kein Tag wie der andere, was den Beruf durchaus sehr abwechslungsreich macht. Unterschiedliche Fragen, Events oder Projekte warten.
Besonders hat mir gefallen, dass man als Mitarbeiter *in bei Wanderungen und Events des Tourismusverbandes dabei sein darf. Was gibt es Schöneres als Wanderungen in der Arbeitszeit zu unternehmen?

„Am meisten Spaß an diesem Beruf macht, dass man durch die eigene Mitarbeit an Projekten, die Zukunft der Region mitgestalten darf!“
Jacqueline, Birgit, Claudia und Lydia an der Frontoffice im Infobüro in Ellmau

Auch mir hat besonders gefallen, dass jeder mitreden und seine Meinung beitragen darf. Wenn ein Gast die gleiche Frage mehrfach stellt oder es manchmal die gleichen Fragen sind, heißt es freundlich und geduldig bleiben. Spätestens wenn man vom Gast positives Feedback erhält und er das Infobüro glücklich verlässt, ist man selber auch glücklich und die Mühen haben sich gelohnt.
Besonders Spaß hat es mir auch gemacht den Gäste Tipps geben zu können und ihnen mit den eigenen Erfahrungen weiterzuhelfen.


Auf einen Blick

  • Ausbildung: Matura ist Voraussetzung
  • Basisgehalt (allgemein): Ab ca. EUR 1.760,- brutto / Monat
  • Arbeitszeiten: 8:30 – 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 – 17:30 Uhr von Mo – Sa (an den Wochenenden wird immer abgewechselt)
  • Benefits (in der Region Wilder Kaiser): Wilder Kaiser StaffCard, KaiserEDU, Wilder Kaiser StaffCommunity
  • Benefits TVB Ellmau: Vergünstigte Liftkarte, Rabatte bei ausgewählten Partnern (z.B.: Sporthändler), Vergünstigte E-Bikes, E-Golfcar für Termine
Teamarbeit ★★★☆☆ Eigenverantwortung ★★★★☆
Arbeitszeiten ★★★★☆ Kreativität ★★★☆☆
Interessante Aufgaben ★★★★☆ Kommunikativer Job ★★★★★
Jobsicherheit ★★★☆☆ Vorwissen ★★★★☆

Du willst am Wilden Kaiser arbeiten?
Check jetzt auch du deinen Job!

Jenny Koller

Wenn man von jemanden behaupten kann, "für den Tourismus zu brennen" dann ist das Jenny Koller. Die 21-jährige Studentin der Unternehmensführung ist im Tourismus aufgewachsen und liebt es, mit Menschen zu arbeiten und alles, was sie über die Region weiß, mit anderen zu teilen. Im Rahmen des „Wilder Kaiser JobCheck" möchte Jenny so viele Facetten des Tourismus wie nur möglich kennen lernen und dabei nicht nur ihr eigenes Wissen ausbauen, sondern auch etwas dazu beitragen, den Tourismus als Arbeitgeber „besser zu machen“. Mit diesem Thema hat sie sich auch schon im Rahmen ihrer Bachelor-Arbeit befasst – die beste Basis um als "JobCheckerin" die Region Wilder Kaiser von einer neuen Seite bzw. ganz vielen Seiten kennenzulernen.

Alle Beiträge

29 Kommentar(e)

Dena Sarah

06.07.2024 - 23:34 Uhr

.Ich möchte ein Zeugnis ablegen. Es kann nur Gott sein. Die Rückkehr meines Ex-Mannes hat mir viel Freude bereitet. Mein Mann hat mich verlassen und ist nach Kalifornien gezogen, um mit einer anderen Frau zusammen zu sein. Ich hatte das Gefühl, mein Leben sei vorbei und meine Kinder dachten, sie würden ihren Vater nie wiedersehen. Ich versuchte, nur für die Kinder stark zu sein, aber ich konnte die Schmerzen, die mein Herz quälten, nicht kontrollieren. Mein Herz war voller Kummer und Schmerz, weil ich meinen Mann wirklich liebte. Ich habe viele Möglichkeiten ausprobiert, aber er kam nicht zurück, bis ich einen Freund traf, der mich zu Dr. Mako schickte, einem Zauberer, der mir half, meinen Mann nach 24 Stunden zurückzuholen. Mein Mann und ich leben heute glücklich zusammen. Dieser Mann ist mächtig. Sie können ihn jetzt kontaktieren. Ich rate jedem, der Ehe- oder Beziehungsprobleme hat, sich jetzt an Dr. Mako zu wenden. Er ist die Lösung für alle Ihre Probleme. Hier ist sein Kontakt. Schreiben Sie ihm eine WhatsApp-Nachricht an: +27840213744"Oder senden Sie ihm eine E-Mail an: Makospelltemple@gmail.com Name: Dena Sarah

Michael Wayers

12.08.2024 - 09:35 Uhr

Now You Can Get Your Ex Lover Back Fast And Save Your broken Marriage Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless! My husband left me and my 2 children 4 wks ago and I'm just not coping! We'd been together since we were 18 and after 22 yrs I feel like I've lost everything. I can't eat or sleep and I'm struggling to keep it together at work. I know I have to be strong for the children but I'm a complete wreck and I am desperately ashamed that I'm affecting them. They are 6 and 9 and obviously are going to need a lot of support and I feel like I'm such a failure. People keep telling me it will get better but at the moment I can't see beyond the hurt and desperation I feel. my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com ,His website:https://lovespellonline.godaddysites.com

Paul Becker

15.08.2024 - 21:46 Uhr

If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it's truly remarkable. TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery WHATSAPP: +1(580) 2801390 EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/

Paul Becker

20.08.2024 - 14:05 Uhr

If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it's truly remarkable. TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery WHATSAPP: +1(580) 2801390 EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/

Alicia Ender

25.08.2024 - 20:44 Uhr

HOW TO FIND AND RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Alicia Ender

25.08.2024 - 20:44 Uhr

HOW TO FIND AND RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Alicia Ender

25.08.2024 - 20:45 Uhr

HOW TO FIND AND RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Alicia Ender

25.08.2024 - 20:46 Uhr

HOW TO FIND AND RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Alicia Ender

25.08.2024 - 20:46 Uhr

HOW TO FIND AND RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Thomas Anthony

03.09.2024 - 15:04 Uhr

HIRE A HACKER TO RECOVER LOST CRYPTO/BITCOIN I'd like to share this with anyone who is considering investing in cryptocurrency but has little knowledge of how it works. I was a victim of cryptocurrency fraud and lost $594,000 in Bitcoins, and if it hadn't been for the intervention of Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, a reputable cryptocurrency recovery company, I would have lost my money for good. I started into bitcoin investment with little knowledge of crypto and was coined by a group of scammers. Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, thank you so much for restoring my crypto and assisting me in recovering my money. If you must invest in cryptocurrencies, please proceed with caution and seek additional information.And if you've lost money like I did, I recommend contacting Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, to help you retrieve it. I highly recommend their services Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1 WhatsApp: +4915782317112

Jeffery Jack

10.09.2024 - 20:07 Uhr

FASTEST WAY TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN/USDT 2024 I cannot thank Captain Jack Crypto Recovery enough for their incredible work in helping me recover my stolen $325,000 USDT. I was devastated when I realized my funds had been stolen, but Captain Jack Crypto Recovery stepped in and used their expertise to retrieve my money. Their professionalism and dedication to their work was evident throughout the entire process. They kept me updated and informed every step of the way, and I felt confident and reassured knowing that my case was in their hands. Thanks to Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, I was able to recover my funds and regain my financial stability. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of ethical and reliable hacking assistance. Thank you, Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, for your exceptional work and for giving me peace of mind. Here is their contact information: Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1 WhatsApp: +4915782317112

Paul Becker

19.09.2024 - 18:49 Uhr

If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it's truly remarkable. TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery WHATSAPP: +1(580) 2801390 EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:20 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:20 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:21 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:21 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:21 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:21 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:23 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Rachel Frye Rachel

21.09.2024 - 10:26 Uhr

God is Able to do just what He says he would do. My name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in the Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of financial debt and be able to help my family in this seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win a huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com

Andrea Robertson

01.10.2024 - 06:28 Uhr

Do you know that recovering stolen cryptocurrency or calling out platforms that collects people’s funds with little or no return can be so easy with the right guidance, with the help of Premiumhackservices AT gmail DOT com you can get any digital information you seek, they can also work as private investigators , text +14106350697 via WhatsApp and they will help you with any cyber activity you want to do.

Nawoja Elzbieta

09.10.2024 - 21:16 Uhr

Blanko-ATM-Karten-Hack zu verkaufen. Hangout-Kontakt: cchacker0002@gmail.com Ich möchte über Blanko-ATM-Karten aus dem Dark Web aussagen. (Der offizielle Geldautomat) Sie verkaufen automatische Blanko-ATM-Karten, mit denen Sie an jedem Geldautomaten auf der ganzen Welt Geld abheben können. Bestellen Sie jetzt Ihre Blanko-ATM-Karte beim offiziellen Geldautomaten. Ich habe im Internet so viele Aussagen darüber gesehen, wie Dark Web-Hacker automatische Blanko-ATM-Karten herstellen und sie an verschiedene Leute auf der ganzen Welt verkaufen. Bestellen Sie jetzt Ihre Blanko-ATM-Karte. . Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht kostenlos ist

Iren Patrick

12.10.2024 - 16:56 Uhr

~~~~~Are you saddened or depressed due to the separation /Misunderstanding with your partner and you want him / her back ? Are you tired of arguing and fighting ? Are you looking for permanent solution to your marriage or relationship problem , if your answer is " YES " don't hesitate to message he helped me get my ex lover back, his Spells are authentic, My Lover is right beside me now we are happy together Whats-App: +12897808858 ~~~~

Maria Andren

17.10.2024 - 13:44 Uhr

Hi I resident at netherland, I am a single father blessed with 2 daughters. For a while now I have been searching for a genuine loan lender who could help me with a loan as I no longer have a job, all I got were hoodlums who made me trust them and at the end they took my money without giving me any loan, my hope was lost, I got confused and frustrated, it became difficult for my family to feed with a good meal, I never wanted to have anything to do with any loan lending companies on the internet again. Not until I met a Godsent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family Through the help of a fellowship member "a lender with the fear of God in him DON CASTRO LOAN FINANCE, he was the man God sent to elevate my family from suffering. At first I thought it wasn’t going to be possible due to my previous experience until I received my loan worth 35,000.00 € in less then 24hours. So my advise to anyone out there genuinely in need of a loan is to contact DON CASTRO LOAN FINANCE through this official email: (bil.ingolfs@gmail.com) and be financial lifted. Maria Andren

Jamil Jamil

19.10.2024 - 00:57 Uhr

Heutzutage ist es aufgrund zahlreicher Betrügereien im Zusammenhang mit Werbung im Internet schwierig, einen seriösen Kredit zu finden. Aber durch einen glücklichen Zufall bin ich auf WESTLAKE LOANS gestoßen, die mir bei der Beschaffung eines Kredits über 52.000 EUR eine große Hilfe waren. Ich gebe zu, dass ich diesem Vorschlag zunächst widerwillig gegenüberstand, aber letztendlich wurde mir klar, dass sie wirklich seriös und gutherzig sind. Wenn Sie einen Kredit benötigen, empfehle ich Ihnen dringend, Kontakt mit ihnen aufzunehmen. Sie sind unter Loanwestlake@gmail.com erreichbar telegram___https://t.me/loan59

Jamil Jamil

19.10.2024 - 00:57 Uhr

Heutzutage ist es aufgrund zahlreicher Betrügereien im Zusammenhang mit Werbung im Internet schwierig, einen seriösen Kredit zu finden. Aber durch einen glücklichen Zufall bin ich auf WESTLAKE LOANS gestoßen, die mir bei der Beschaffung eines Kredits über 52.000 EUR eine große Hilfe waren. Ich gebe zu, dass ich diesem Vorschlag zunächst widerwillig gegenüberstand, aber letztendlich wurde mir klar, dass sie wirklich seriös und gutherzig sind. Wenn Sie einen Kredit benötigen, empfehle ich Ihnen dringend, Kontakt mit ihnen aufzunehmen. Sie sind unter Loanwestlake@gmail.com erreichbar telegram___https://t.me/loan59

Paul Becker

30.10.2024 - 09:29 Uhr

If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it's truly remarkable. TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery WHATSAPP: +1(410) 202-1161 EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/

Ghazal Ghazal36

05.11.2024 - 23:14 Uhr

Please read that I have heard of him on several health sites and blogs, but after watching the documentary Last Days of Left Eye, I was turned on to the full story about Dr. Godsent Yare. He is a man who has the Cure for Herpes virus, victims of major traumatic accidents, and critically ill patients with life threatening illness, through natural herbs, herbal cream, and healing oil. He never went to college or medical school but inherited this gift from his forefathers. I contacted Dr Godsent-Yare-Herbal-Healing-Home, he sent me some herbs, cream, and healing oil, which I made use of for a period of three weeks to get my healing. Note: After the first one week of usage, I started noticing great changes all over my body. The healing oil remedy works speedily and miraculously that I can confidently say that Dr.GODSENT YARE'S HERBAL HEALING HOME is a dependable, reliable, and trustworthy herbal clinic. If you find yourself or someone else in a similar or worse situation, I highly recommend reaching out to him by email: dryareherbalcurehome(@) gmail. (com

Carmen Luis

12.11.2024 - 11:18 Uhr

Mein Mann verließ mich für eine jüngere Frau und ich war am Boden zerstört. Es war, als hätte sie ihn unter einen bösen Zauber gestellt. Paul wandte sich über Nacht ohne Vorwarnung gegen mich. Es geschah letztes Jahr. Ich war verzweifelt und habe jede einzelne Zauber-Website ausprobiert, die ich finden konnte, ohne Erfolg. Ein Freund schickte mir den Link zur Website von Dr. Ilekhojie und ich nahm Kontakt zu ihm auf. Er begann im Juni mit mir zu arbeiten. Dank seiner wunderbaren Arbeit sind mein Mann und ich wieder zusammen. Ich bin so glücklich und privilegiert, eine so großartige Person wie Sie an meiner Seite zu haben. Vielen Dank! Dr. Ilekhojie WhatsApp Dr. Ilekhojie unter +2348147400259 oder E-Mail gethelp05@gmail.com

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