Full moon snowshoe hike JanuaryFull moon snowshoe hike Januaryvanaf €24,00 Full moon snowshoe hike JanuaryMAGoing am Wilden Kaiser20:00Boeking & details
Full moon snowshoe hike FebruaryFull moon snowshoe hike Februaryvanaf €24,00 Full moon snowshoe hike FebruaryWOGoing am Wilden Kaiser20:00Boeking & details
MARCHplus Full moon snowshoe hike MarchMARCHplus Full moon snowshoe hike Marchvanaf €10,00 MARCHplus Full moon snowshoe hike MarchVRGoing am Wilden Kaiser20:00Boeking & details
Guided torchlight walkGuided torchlight walkvanaf €0gratis Guided torchlight walkMAEllmau20:00Boeking & details
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Herbal magical for familiesHerbal magical for familiesvanaf €7,50 Herbal magical for familiesDIEllmau09:30Boeking & details
Int. Cordial Cup (voetbal)Int. Cordial Cup (voetbal)Int. Cordial Cup (voetbal)VRZAZOGoing am Wilden Kaiser09:00Boeking & details
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Torchlight hike in summer in GoingTorchlight hike in summer in Goingvanaf €0gratis Torchlight hike in summer in GoingMAGoing am Wilden Kaiser20:00Boeking & details
Christmas market on the HartkaiserChristmas market on the HartkaiserChristmas market on the HartkaiserVRZAEllmau16:30Boeking & details