Söllnhof | Apiary

Openingsuren op aanvraag

Astbergweg 19 (Öffnungszeiten nach Vereinbarung), Going am Wilden Kaiser


Organic forest, spring, alpine flower, high mountain and cream honey. Organic flower pollen. Organic comb honey. Organic propolis drops. Organic meat as a mixed package or individual meat cuts - cutlets, pork chops, roasts, and minced meat.

New in 2021 - Discover the world of bees - visit the apiaries and help with upcoming activities - honey collection and spinning, young colony formation, feeding for the winter and colony control.

Where can the honey be bought?
Directly at the Söllnhof with advance reservation by telephone.

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Söllnhof | ApiaryAstbergweg 19 (Öffnungszeiten nach Vereinbarung)6353 Going am Wilden Kaiser(0043) 699 100 36714info@soellnhof.at

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