Mountain inn Hochschwendt

Vandaag geopend

09:00 - 20:00 Uur

Faistenbichl 52, Ellmau


The Berggasthof Hochschwendt has a good plain kitchen, homemade cakes, an excellent restaurant with a cosy sun terrace. Open throughout the winter season.
60 seats in the dining room, 30 on the terrace.

In winter the mountain inn can be reached by ski "Talstation Schmiedalm (lift no. 88)" or by car via Faistenbichl.

Also in summer it is a beautiful destination for excursions by bike or on foot, as well as reachable by car.

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Mountain inn HochschwendtFaistenbichl 526352 Ellmau(0043) 5358

Naar de plattegrond

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Culinary trail

Culinary trail
Culinary trail
Culinary trail

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

14,0 km

Hike via four mountain huts Rübezahl-Alm, Jägerhütte and Hochschwendt.



6:15 u

600 Hoogtemeters

Hochschwendt circuit

Hochschwendt circuit
Hochschwendt circuit
Hochschwendt circuit

Wanderstartplatz Tourist Info, Ellmau (800m)

Wanderstartplatz Tourist Info, Ellmau (800m)

8,7 km

This easy family hike takes you via the Bergdoktorhaus to the Berggasthof Hochschwendt mountain inn.



2:45 u

270 Hoogtemeters

Hartkaiser circuit (no. 1 & 3)

Hartkaiser circuit (no. 1 & 3)
Hartkaiser circuit (no. 1 & 3)
Hartkaiser circuit (no. 1 & 3)

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

15,8 km

From the Bergdoktorhaus to the Rübezahl-Alm mountain hut and the Carved Figures path to Ellmi’s Zauberwelt.



5:30 u

730 Hoogtemeters