The museum of Ellmau is open


Contemporary handicraft culture of Tyrol

The Ellmau Museum "Beim Wegmacher" (At the "roadmaker") vividly documents the village lifestyle and at the same time the contemporary Tyrolean history of the last centuries. Originally a miners' house for miners in the 16th century, later a wainwright, a master weaver and finally a road-maker lived and worked there. Thus the simple house became the home of various craftsmen and changed its name with them.

In 1898 the son of the Wegmacher Johann Widauer rebuilt it as it still exists today. The rooms of the museum are furnished true to the original according to old rural customs. Together with the tools of the craftsmen and farmers as well as a rich collection of objects of daily life, they provide a comprehensive insight into tradition and customs of that time.

No registration, admission: voluntary donation.

The Ellmau Museum of Local History is open from June to September on Fridays from 2 to 5 pm.
In addition, the local history museum can be visited in July & August, as part of the torchlight walk (registration online), every Monday from 8 to 9pm.
Public transport: free of charge with Wilder Kaiser GuesteCard, click here for route planning

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  • 19.07.2024
  • 26.07.2024
  • 02.08.2024
  • 09.08.2024
  • 16.08.2024
  • 23.08.2024
  • 30.08.2024
  • 06.09.2024
  • 13.09.2024
  • 20.09.2024
  • 27.09.2024

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  • Bereikbaar met het openbaar vervoer

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Ellmau - HeimatmuseumSteinerner Tisch 276352 Ellmau(0043) 664 3410249(0043) 699

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